Litecoin News Ticker - CryptoTicker

Litecoin ist the earliest altcoin brought to life in 2011 by Charlie Lee. It has little differences to Bitcoin but has established itself with time as one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

Are Litecoins worth it?

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Bitcoin News Ticker

Sep 02 2020 Pornhub adds Bitcoin and Litecoin payments

Apr 26 2020 0x is the longest held cryptocurrency, Litecoin and Ethereum follow

Sep 16 2019 Binance announces lending for XRP, Litecoin, and USDC

Feb 08 2019 Litecoin to implement Mimblewimble

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Disclaimer: The authors of this website may have invested in crypto currencies themselves. They are not financial advisors and only express their opinions. Anyone considering investing in crypto currencies should be well informed about these high-risk assets.

Trading with financial products, especially with CFDs involves a high level of risk and is therefore not suitable for security-conscious investors. CFDs are complex instruments and carry a high risk of losing money quickly through leverage. Be aware that most private Investors lose money, if they decide to trade CFDs. Any type of trading and speculation in financial products that can produce an unusually high return is also associated with increased risk to lose money. Note that past gains are no guarantee of positive results in the future.

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